Monday, January 3, 2011

60 Day Paleo Chalenge

Now that the bloody holidays are over I've decided to go 60 days strict paleo. Since October I've managed to keep my food intake to about 70% paleo....Then December came and I was throwing down sugary and fried foods like the world was gonna end on 01/01/11. Rather than stress out about it I came to terms with it knowing it was just all that damn holiday food and set my mind on a 60-day paleo challenge at the start of the year. I did, however go out with a bang this weekend. I ate it all, cheeseburgers, beer, ice cream, lasagna....what the hell it was the new year, I was off and I was celebrating the end of a pivotal year in my life with food and drink. There was a side-effect though; As of last night I was completely sick of food, not just junk food but FOOD! Guess I overindulged but I seem to remember feeling this way last year. This is a good thing becasue I feel like I've satiated myself from that bad stuff for who knows how long and I can focus on my fitness goals now. 

The good news is I didn't put on a whole lot of weight over the holidays, I'm still down a size in clothes and the pants I bought after the 30 day challenge ended are started to feel a bit loose. During all the holiday madness I managed to get into Crossfit Oakland to get some good workouts in. I didn't get in as many times as I wanted to but work was really nuts this past month. I did manage to get my ass in and finish my first "MURPH" workout. Which was as follows:

run 1mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squates
run 1mile

it was BRUTAL, going in to it I was actually scared that I wasnt going to get through it. I decided to take my time and no matter how long it took I was going to finish it. I did finish....DEAD LAST at 72:56 but I finished and I could not be prouder of myself. :)

This is the workout I avoided last NYE because I was scared of it. How things can change in a year, no?

So, back to the challenge. For the next 60 days, meat, veggies, nuts and seed. Thats it. Jessica is on board with me again and thats a good thing becase she owned it during the thirty day challenge. I never would have made it without her. 

Today my body weight is about 220. Before I started the 30 day challenge I was about 235 -240. So I lost about 15-20 pounds since then. So, we'll see what the next 60 days bring. I'm not worried about failing this time. The 30 day challenge taught me that its not hard to do and you feel fantastic so it will be a piece of (paleo) cake :)

Oh and one other thing; the 30 day paleo challenge at crossfit back in september....I won it. $100 cash in my pocket!

So here we go; 2011 is gonna be a bad-ass year. 

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