Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Second time around....

Two things; sticking to a Paleo regimen is way easier the second time around. I guess its because I already knew what to expect and there were no anxieties like when I first started the 30-day challenge in September.

Today I went back to work after a lovely four days off. I packed leftovers from last night as my lunch for the day. Threw in an apple, clementine orange and a Larabar. Well, as luck would have it I got so busy today that I had no time to eat. This is where the fruit and Larabar came in handy. That and a handful of nuts and dates I had after breakfast (eggs and veggie scaramble) got me through the day. I would have preffered to have eaten more protien today but managed to not allow myself to get too hungry and freak out. Well I didn't but when I got home I was pretty hungry. I threw down some almonds and some grapes to bed down my appetite and right now Jessica is making baked salmon and artichokes. All is well....or it least it will be very soon.

The second thing; I went down another notch on my belt.

I'm thinking March is gonna mean all new clothes if this keeps up.

Only one notch left on that belt by the way.