Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 2

So yesterday was a more or less flawless day. I wasn't even tempted to cheat. Maybe I was just fired up about this or maybe its becuase Jessica is my accountability partner and I don't want to let her down. Either way, I exercised hard yesterday and ate well. Today I'm resting up, pretty sore from Monday and Wednesday. Right hip is pretty tight so I gotta try and loosen that up over the next few days. Today is also going to be a bit of a challenge because we really need to go grocery shopping. We have food but we're runnning low :)

One thing I noticed yesterday evening. I was tired....Jessica and I went to get a few things at Trader Joes and Target last night. This is a pretty normal mid-week errand for us but last night I looked over at Jessica and she was yawning and her eyes were a bit glazed over....she looked sleepy and I felt exactly the way she looked. So my first day of Paleo went fine but I was pretty tired by the evening. So my energy level was pretty low by nighttime.

So today is day 2 of the paleo challenge and I'm fully fired up about the next 28 days. Hopefully I can keep up this tempo and get to see some results at the end of the month. Jessica is helping a lot. She threw away all of our rice, grains etc. that will help for sure.  They can't tempt us if we can't see them!

Ok, thats it for now. Kinda boring I know....but my cup of black coffee awaits.

BTW - this weekend I ate whatever I wanted knowing I was going to start this challenge. That was a bad idea. My stomach just reminded me that I'm almost 39 and that kind of food just doesn't work for me anymore. In lifelong path with food like BURRITOS is coming to and end...the last couple of times I ate like that I was hurting. My point is the paleo way of eating could end up becoming a very normal thing for me.

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